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Crypto Leads for Your investments, sales, partnerships, etc.

Dzzen Scout Team tracks more than 300 different sources every day, including various DEXs, launchpads, blockchain explorers, Telegram, Twitter and Github.

Get 50+ crypto startups daily with data and team contacts.

Crypto Leads Base | Dzzen
Crypto startups
in our database
0 +
Contacts of team members
(email / Telegram)
0 +
New crypto projects analyzed
every day
0 +
Data points
for analysis collected
0 +

In fact, we discover 2000+ new crypto projects every day, but more than 95% of them are scams, which we filter out immediately!

Proprietary software solutions and database

We develop software solutions for finding, tracking and verifying new crypto startups, as well as constantly enriching our project database

Experienced team of crypto scouts

We are able to analyze the product, tokenomics, holders, contract safety, community and much more to identify gems at the earliest stage

Know more about the crypto space

We collect team contact details, track investments in crypto startups, analyze metadata and much more

Speed up and automate your work with crypto leads

Receive projects with contacts in your CRM/database or utilize our solution.
Automate 90% of the work: support, fundraising, marketing, sales, investment and anything else you can think of.
Reach out to cold contacts first via email, Telegram, WhatsApp, etc.
Watch this short video where we demonstrate how everything works.
Get 1000+ handpicked crypto projects a month that just raised millions, advertising on popular websites, got listed on CoinMarketCap/CoinGecko/others, etc.
/ 3 months
All new crypto startups
All data sources: Funded, ADS, Presale, Listings, etc.
Telegram account of the project founder and/or admins/moderators
Email of the project and/or team
Sending new data to your DB/CRM via webhook
Delay of 1 day
/ 3 months
All new crypto startups
All data sources: Funded, ADS, Presale, Listings, etc.
Telegram account of the project founder and/or admins/moderators
Email of the project and/or team
Sending new data to your DB/CRM via webhook
Delay of 4 hours
Access to the full database
CryptoCRM ¹ (Option)
Send Email offer first (Option)
Send Telegram offer first (Option)
Send WhatsApp offer first (Option)
/ 6 months
All new crypto startups
All data sources: Funded, ADS, Presale, Listings, etc.
Telegram account of the project founder and/or admins/moderators
Email of the project and/or team
Access to the full database
Delay of 10 minutes
Fully customized CryptoCRM ¹ for a team of 3 members
Sending new data to CryptoCRM ¹
Automatic Smart Telegram DM to project founders and other team members
Automatic email offers sent on your behalf
Automatic follow-ups, responses, and more
Only 7 seats!
  1. CryptoCRM is a ready-made solution for obtaining startups, automatic processing, data requests, transaction management and much more.

Contact us via Telegram bot